How can I find game log files?

In order to get the Party Animals PlayTest log files, you need to enter the specifiied command on Steam and restart the game. Follow these steps:

  1. Ensure the game is closed.
  2. Right-click on Party Animals in your Steam Library, and choose “Properties…”
  3. On the General tab, find “Launch Options” and enter -log in the box, then close the panel.
  4. Launch the game.
  5. Right-click on Party Animals PlayTest in your Steam Library, choose Manage, and select Browse local files.
  6. All files with a .log extension in this folder are game logs.

When sending us game log files via a ticket on our offical website, you can compress all the logs into a ZIP file before uploading. If the compressed file exceeds 50 MB, please prioritize sending the most recent logs.






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